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Το μεταφραστικό γραφείο Literatus ιδρύθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 1996 από μεταφραστές, γλωσσολόγους, επιμελητές και ειδικούς επιστήμονες με προσανατολισμό τη μετάφραση και τη διερμηνεία συνεδρίων. Το 1999 η μεταφραστική εταιρεία αναδιοργανώθηκε και απέκτησε νέες, ευρύχωρες εγκαταστάσεις, ενώ το 2015 επέκτεινε την εμπορική της δραστηριότητα και στον τομέα των εκδόσεων. Η μεταφραστική υπηρεσία Literatus είναι η μοναδική στην Ελλάδα εξειδικευμένη στη μετάφραση και διερμηνεία.
A doua ediție a colocviului studențesc BEST Letters Colloquia s-a încheiat cu succes. În zilele de 25 și 26 aprilie 2015, a avut loc la Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București ediția a II-a din seria de manifestări științifice intitulate BucharEst STude . BeST Letters Colloquia II, 2015. Oportunități de dezvoltare în carieră la CGS România. Despre sens sau cum să creezi lumi noi din semnif.
Cache all of the Things with LiteSpeed. Someday you may need assistance with your LSCache for WordPress installation. Cache all of the Things with LiteSpeed.
A collection of tools, guidance and random thoughts about the Microsoft IdM platform. Wednesday, March 14, 2018. While using LDAP authentication might solve the development problem of how to authenticate users across an enterprise, it creates a host of other problems. There are inherent weakness and security issues that using LDAP introduces, that are not present in true authentication protocols. What if they were trustworthy, but l.
Det ser ud til, at din PHP-installation mangler MySQL-udvidelsen, som kræves af WordPress.